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Sunflower and Soya Bean on Nation in Conversation

  • 17 May 2018
  • 1850
  •  nation-in-conversation

The programme kicks-off, as always, with a look at tourist attractions in the town of Bothaville, which is world renowned for being close to the Agriculture calendar’s premier event, the Nampo Harvest Day Festival. Arnold Steyn, CEO of Thuso Mills explains the impact and importance of the festival on Bothaville’s economy.

Thereafter we visit Bernard Rabe’s farm where he tells us how he uses conservation agricultural practices to produce his Soya Bean and Sunflower crop. Bernard also sheds some light on the challenges facing the Soya and Sunflower producer in South Africa.
Back in the studio, show host Rozanne McKenzie chats to BFAP’s Ferdie Meyer about the dynamics of the vegetable oil market in the country. 

The episode ends off with co-host Theo Vorster engaging with Senwes Group CEO Francois Strydom who paints a picture of the global and local soft commodity markets and where sunflower and soya fits in.

Francois also makes the statement that there is “hopelessly too much food available in the world.” Tune in to the episode here to hear him justify this statement.

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